Thursday, July 22, 2010

What is names of the colors of this shoes in english? and where can i find the common english names of colors?

I mean the names that all people use, not the wierd names like darkgoldenrod and lemonchiffon

check out the pic

What is names of the colors of this shoes in english? and where can i find the common english names of colors?
Hi Alexander,

My name is Duncan or Slamdunk is my nick name.

Your question is somewhat vague in terms of specifics, but I will try to answer it to the best of my abilities as I come from England originally. Additionally I was manager of a shoe store in Roselands inAustralia.

So Here goes:

Firstly, the most common colours of mens shoes are:

* Black

* Brown or ( Tan) (as they can com in various shades of darkness or lightness)

* Blue, dark


* White

* ETC....

Secondly, you have to decide what you want in a shoe that is suitable for you. For example:

* The material: Which can virtually be made from anything these days: may include:

* Leather

* Soft Italian Leather

* Various thicknessess of leather

* A Combimation of different materials such as leather uppers and rubber soles.

* Suede materials, kind of like soft fury material

* Vevet, similar to suade but more fury

* Rubber Shoes

* Latex Shoes

* ETC%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; there are of course many more materials that shoes can be made from plus a various combination of materials and colours.

Thirdly: Names of shoes: these are based ob two major factors.

1. The manufacturers name ( a brand name such as Nike etc.)

2. The type of shoe you want, eg the actual use of the shoe and the style of the shoe. for example:

1. Sports shoes, as made by addidas and nike and Dunlop etc, for running, exercise etc, usually very flexible and easy to wear, usually worn with casual wear.

Secondly: work shoes: Now these will come in all shapes , sizes, widths etc. Effectively you really need to go along to a reputable shoe store who will measure your exact size for your feet.

*** Did you know that most people have different size left foot to there right foot, usually about half a size different, so not all people have exactly the same size two feet.

With work shoes, most people go, Black, Brown or Grey etc%26gt;%26gt; Conservative colours.

Names of shoe styles: EG:

1; Square front toe shoes

2. Round front toe shoes.

3.Slip on shoes, without laces, ( usually called Moccasons)

In fact the question you have asked is much deeper than you realise as there are so many factors to be taken into consideration relating to the best type of shoes for a person to wear. Even consider a persons arch, where the middle under part of a person rises at a curve. Also did you know that many people also walk incorrectly where they wear there shoes either inwardly commanly called pigion toed, or outwardly on the base of there souls.

So next time you ate out, look at the back of a persons shoes and you will siscover that many of them are worn to the outside where the outside of the soul receives more wear and tear than the inside. The same is also for some who wear out there shoes on the inside. So next time take a peak at people walking alomg as many of them are unaware that there shoes are lopsided.

Anyway I hope I have given you some insight as to what to consider when looking at a pair if shoes.

Oh yes and by the way, another thing I almost forgot, is the inlays of the shoes are very important if you are going to be on your feet for the day, as they can ad added comfort, softness and stop, or prevent sore feet at the end of the day.

On ending on a scientific note:, it is always better to get a slightly size larger, as very tight shoes can also influance your blood preasure . When you get home it is a good idea to take your shoes off and slipp into something comfortable like house slippers without heals as this relieves pain and actually reduces blood pressure by a few knots. Try it, you will be surprised.

Oh yes I forgot to tell you: remember, there are more seoerate bones in the feet than in any other part of your body, so look after them.

Hope the above helps.
Reply:tan and blue or turquoise?
Reply:Beige with blue stripes
Reply:common names; tan shoe with blue arrow
Reply:I would say they are a light gold and teal, but it's kinda hard to tell from that picture.

I tried to find a color wheel on-line you could just look at, but it's apparently harder than it sounds. Look for a while, you might find one. If not, you could always order one from any American paint, decorating, or art supply store.
Reply:tan or beige with blue or teal or turquoise stripes

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